Channel Manager

Unlock Global Distribution with Our Powerful Channel Manager

HotelOnline Channel Manager is a back-end system that distributes and synchronizes the rates and availability of a hotel across online channels, such as Online Travel Agents (OTAs), Global Distribution Systems (GDSes) and metasearches.

Live Update of Inventory & Rates across multiple OTAs

With a channel manager, a hotel only needs to update rates in one place, and the changes will reflect immediately across all channels such as, Expedia, Agoda, Airbnb, TripAdvisor, Google Hotel Ads, etc.

  • Updates room reservations or cancellations instantly across all your Booking Platforms
  • Simplifies rate distribution across all your hotel OTA channels
  • Saves all your reservation details automatically with a Hotel Channel Manager

No manual errors, no more overbookings

On the manager , availability is synchronized in real time, therefore, overbookings become a thing of the past. If a guest books the last available room on CTrip, then that room immediately becomes unavailable in all the other channels. A Channel Manager Booking System helps you in:

  • Avoid overbookings by automating the process of updating your dashboard & OTAs
  • Improve online bookings by providing your digital prospects with accurate booking and rate-related information
  • Save time by eliminating manual updates of bookings & rates across multiple OTAs

Let's Do Something Amazing shape Together!

Experience the future of hotel technology firsthand. Our expert team is here to guide you through our powerful tools and tailor them to your unique needs. Join the ranks of industry leaders who have already embraced the future of hospitality.

  • 6000+ Team Members
  • #1 Revenue Partner for Hotels in Africa
  • #1 Revenue Partner for Hotels in Africa
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